Informal carers

  • Current Information
  • About You
  • About The Older Adult(s) You Care For
  • Your Caring Role
  • Your Health
  • Use Of Technology
  • Complete

2018 Local Digital Fund Grant

Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government

Views and experiences of informal carers of older adults on the use of technology in the home

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Research project led by Aston University and funded by the Minstry of Housing, Communities, and Local Government in England

1. Introduction

Aston University invites you to take part in a research project funded by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government.

All information you provide is entirely anonymous and no stored information can or will be traced back to you.

Before you decide if you would like to participate, please read the information about the questionnaire carefully, which you are welcome to discuss with others.

If there is anything that is not clear or if you would like more information before you make your decision, feel free to contact one of the researchers whose details are given in section 1.6.

1.1 What is this research about?

This research is aimed at people aged 18 or over who are currently informal carers of one or more older adults. By ’informal carer’ we mean any person, such as a family member, friend or neighbour who provides regular, ongoing unpaid help to a person without which the person they support could not manage. By older adult we mean anyone aged 55 or over.

We are interested in your views and experience of using technology at home. This is to help identify opportunities where technology might enhance the quality of life of informal carers and promote the independence of the people they care for.

'Technology' is a general term that covers a range of electronic devices and systems that help people perform tasks that they would otherwise be unable to do, or increases the ease and safety with which the task can be performed. Computers, smart phones, and the internet are examples of technology.

This research involves completing a questionnaire which includes questions about the care you provide; the type of technologies, if any, that you use; and your views on the use of technology to older help adults with care needs to be as independent as possible. The questionnaire should take no more than 30 minutes to complete.

The questionnaire is completely anonymous. It does not include any questions that can identify you.

Your involvement in this research is voluntary.  Whether or not you take part in the study will NOT affect any services or support that you or the person you care for may receive.

1.2 How the results will be used

We will use your views and those of other informal carers to write a report which will be available to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government Local Digital Fund and interested councils. The results may also be used for further research and analysis and published in scientific journals or conference proceedings. If the results of the study are published, they will not be able to identify you because we do not store any personal data about you. This means we are unable to provide you with copies of reports but they will be made accessible from the questionnaire website.

The aim of the report is to help councils and other care providers to identify where technology might be able to enhance the quality of life and promote the independence of people living at home with care needs.

1.3 Who is leading the study?

Aston University is the lead organisation for this study and acting as data controller for it.

1.4 Who has reviewed the study?

The study was given a favourable ethical opinion by the Aston University Research Ethics Committee.

1.5 What if I have a concern about my participation in the study?

If you have any concerns, please speak to the research team identified below and they will do their best to answer your questions.

If the research team are unable to address your concerns or you wish to make a complaint about how the study is being conducted you should contact the Aston University Director of Governance, Mr. John Walter, or telephone 0121 204 4869.

1.6 Research team contacts

If you would like to discuss this research with someone, please contact:

Dr Christopher Buckingham


Tel: 0121 204 3450

Dr Lilit Hakobyan


Tel: 0121 204 3000

Thank you for taking time to read this information and for completing the questionnaire if that is what you choose to do.