Investigating autonomic adapters for GRaCE remote monitoring

Remote monitoring of the environment and patient status is essential for providing care through GRaCE-AGE. PhD student Nazmul Hussain is investigating the use of intelligent agents called Autonomic Adapters (AAs) to assist collaboration between sensors and human participants in the GRaCE-AGE network.

The research proposes that AAs can be attached to sensors within the GRaCE-AGE network to monitor their status, analyse the results, and plan and execute actions. This allows for standardisation of communication between GRaCE-AGE software and the various technologies which all send messages and interact in different ways.

Additionally, autonomic adapters allow for policy to be defined by human collaborators within the GRaCE-AGE network, which can be used to determine care actions. For example, if the heart-rate exceeds a threshold or drops below a threshold set by the doctor, family members and carers could be alerted to contact the patient.