GRiST Gaia: Conversational chatbot

Using natural language processing artificial intelligence, a text-based chatbot has been created, which implements the GRiST risk assessment.

Gaia chatbot on mobile

Gaia chatbot on mobile

The bot, called Gaia, provides a new way to interact with GRiST: rather than completing a series of questions, a service user is able to type a message to Gaia and receive a response, simulating a conversation. Gaia processes the user’s messages to find answers to GRiST assessment questions, and any other relevant information. This novel conversational interface aims to make GRiST more accessible to the general public.

In addition to widening participation, it is hoped that the conversational format can add to the therapeutic benefit from GRiST. Gaia is able to provide positive reinforcement and encouragement, guide the user through the relevant parts of the assessment, and assist in reaching out for help if necessary.

Amazon Lex, an artificial intelligence service which allows for natural language understanding in software, powers the chatbot. Lex uses deep learning technology to learn and understand language, and is a version of the service which allows Amazon Alexa to communicate with users.

The conversational interface is another step from GRiST in finding new methods of engaging with service users in ways that previously only humans were able to do.

View the informational video on Gaia here.